Dr. Haider Warraich’s Op Ed writing has served as a vehicle to challenge conventional wisdom around medicine and healthcare using his vantage point as a clinician and clinical researcher. His almost two dozen essays for the New York Times range from exploring the unexpected harms of optimism to describing a wedding performed in the ICU to what our cells can teach us about how we can die well. He has also written multiple essays each for the Washington Post, LA Times, The Atlantic, The Guardian, The Boston Globe, Foreign Policy, Scientific American, Vox and Stat News.

Covid-19 Is Creating a Wave of Heart Disease

Emerging data show that some of the coronavirus’s most potent damage is inflicted on the heart.

Evolution Gave Us Heart Disease. We’re Not Stuck With It.

Heart disease is still a new disease, and we can adapt accordingly.

A Beating Heart, Even After Death

Left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) are changing human life. Are we ready?

Dr. Google Is a Liar

Fake news threatens our democracy. Fake medical news threatens our lives.

How One Woman Changed What Doctors Know About Heart Attacks

The story of SCAD underscores how much doctors still don’t understand, including about heart disease in women.

What Our Cells Teach Us About a ‘Natural’ Death

Though humanity aspires to achieve immortality, our cells teach us that a life without death is the most unnatural fate of all.

When Decapitation Doesn’t Mean Death

A medical debate over the definition of death has led to some gruesome questions about exactly how far life can be stretched.

Impact Factor and the Future of Medical Journals

Some research publications are getting away from flawed measures of influence that make it easy to game the system.

Pakistan’s Blackest Day

The Taliban’s massacre of more than 100 students caps an awful year for the world’s children. Never in recent memory have so many children been subjected to such unspeakable brutality.

What Jenny McCarthy and the Taliban Have in Common

Hint: It’s not global Jihad.

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